A poem written by Adam A. DeFranco

your body is a seed

of translation

a transposing fire ball proclamation

of evolutionary ascendants

concurrently of liberated circuitry

ascension is the new cue

of bearing the fire

the one chakra self source code

telepathy clairvoyance clairaudience

emerging full spectrum

prismatically solarized

dimensionally multi linguistic

a toroidal transducer of cosmic source data

you think atomized coat

of flesh and blood

your sacred body

luminous holographic plasma

an ascending modality

of non temporalized quantum affluxuations

the energetic fortuitous paradigm of neo tesla physics

you are the encapsulation preordained emulation

of superluminal core essence

wings of the 3rd eye

lusciosly spread

thriving divine entities

your body is a seed

of evolutionary liberated circuitry

translating into full saturation

a long train of blue dreams

source code with infinite layers

© 2016, AD

Poem written by Adam A. DeFranco

my body

has become this land

my exponetial flesh

part of the whole world

who is to say

where one ends

and the other begins

this is a planet of light

torches and burning buddhas

inside every tree

is the heart of a temple

far in the valley

is a wild church

with ancient tablets

everywhere are gardens

and we are just beginning to see

there is nothing disappointing

about existence

it is totally self centered

on everything

every flight

begins with a fall

you are thunderstorms

going against the wind

the soul of everything

these antedulvian atoms of existence

cleansing the air

© AD

Poem by Adam A. DeFranco

the sky

is a luminious sheet

and all you feel this moment

is your heel on the earth


there is no other way than this

I rise each day

the blood in me

a swift mountain creek


one could create a world

from a single stone

carve a whole forest from a tree

your a sunbeam roaming

the universe


we live in a time of ecstacy

and stones

I am merely a fool who has fallen

into the abyss


the frail white snow

rest on my hair

the blade of a warrior

is so sharp

even the birds are dreaming

the cloud

is a tiger

© 2016, A>D>

Poem written by Adam A. DeFranco

it is red venus trembling

on the neck of a tree

and we crawl out into the world


the way women love

like a tiger

a door

a gift strange gods leave


there will be battles



a thousand fears

surface the ground

blind children begin to see


the truth is

you will fall

become totally disrupted

quiet and unattached

a hot rivet on a skyscraper


this rainbow of chaos

you will mix pain

with pleasure

her mind unimpaired unpredictable

a kind of original sin


over her shoulder

vines olive trees

shinning untamed seas

a raw chant of eyes ears

a woman

is not ashamed to die

as messy

as a cloud of clothes

© 2016, A>D>

the human body is two hundred and six bones

an extreme being

a god elemental

of thirty trillion cells each cell

one hundred trillion atoms

consuming light

in a wicked nest of fire


a thousand bees rise with the sun

and you with it

trees whisper

in a cloud of oaks and roots

all this will happen

in a flash

before a word spoken

and under our skin

between day and nite

between breast and belly

our atoms will touch

like burning white snowflakes

in the dark silence

in the radiation

of another country

( Excerpt ) Poem : Adam A. DeFranco

© 2016, Adam D.>

Ph : Ralph Gibson