Wind coming from the sea,

bring to me some happiness

in this cloudy afternoon.

A love shower

to make flowering

a heart that suffers for passion.

In the situation

of a humble life,

I contemplate

the Lady Happiness*.

Not even a glance

is able to find me

in the crowd

so lonely.

There are already people,

too many people that suffer

because of the loneliness.

There are already people

that are close to die

in the falling light

of a twilight.

Cesaria Evora & Bonnie Raitt – Crepuscular Solidro

Wind coming from the sea,

bring to me some happiness

in this cloudy afternoon.

A love shower

to make flowering

a heart that suffers for passion.

In the situation

of a humble life,

I contemplate

the Lady Happiness*.

Not even a glance

is able to find me

in the crowd

so lonely.

There are already people,

too many people that suffer

because of the loneliness.

There are already people

that are close to die

in the falling light

of a twilight.

Cesaria Evora & Bonnie Raitt – Crepuscular Solidro