The books are to remind us what asses and fool we are …

“Remember …thou art mortal.”

Don’t ask for guarantees …

Do your own bit of saving, and if you drown,

at least die knowing you were headed for shore.

– Ray Bradbury –

Ph : Chadwick Tyler

… psychological problems most originate in pressures from deeper regions in the brain that drive our perception and attention.

When the alarm bell of the emotional brain keeps signaling that you are in danger, no amount of insight will silence it.

– Bessel A. van der Kolk –

Ph : Chadwick Tyler

I mean, like most guys, you carry around this girl in your head, who is exactly who you want her to be. The person you think you will love the most. And every girl you are with gets measured against this girl in your head.

– Rachel Cohn –

Ph : Chadwick Tyler