They carried them

to the flatlands

And they died along the way

But they built up

with their bare hands

What we still can’t do today.

And I know she’s living there

And she loves me to this day

I still can’t remember when

or how I lost my way.

He came dancing across the water

Cortez, Cortez

What a killer …

Neil Young – Cortez the killer

Ph : Ellen Von Unwerth

My my, hey hey

Rock and roll is here to stay

It’s better to burn out

than to fade away

My my, hey hey.

Out of the blue

and into the black …

Hey hey, my my

Rock and roll can never die

There’s more to the picture

than meets the eye.

Hey hey, my my.

Neil Young – Hey hey my my

Ph : Ellen Von Unwerth

I noticed years ago that when people (myself definitely included) are anxious they tend to busy themselves with irrelevant activities, because these distract from and therefore reduce their actual experience of anxiety. To stay perfectly still is to feel the fear at its maximum intensity, so instead you scuttle around doing things as though you are, in some mysterious way, short of time.

– John Cleese – So, Anyway…

Ph : Ellen von Unwerth

The art of living… is neither careless drifting on the one hand nor fearful clinging to the past on the other. It consists in being sensitive to each moment, in regarding it as utterly new and unique, in having the mind open and wholly receptive.

– Alan W. Watts –

Ph : Ellen von Unwerth