When you love someone

You’re like a child at play

And when you need someone

It’s such a lonely play …

When you want someone

It’s neither here nor there

And when you need someone

The pain’s too much to bear …

When you want someone

You look and think how nice

And when you need someone

You feel like you’re gonna die

But you can be so happy …

Oh, stars come out tonight

And shine so very bright …

When you love someone

I love someone …

– chic – When you love someone


– Elizabeth Fraiser – At last I am free

… about carrying the ghosts of your relationships with you, to the point where sometimes a smell or a situation or an item of clothing they bought brings a person back.

… about the relationship that you have with your memories. They inhabit your dreams sometimes.

There can be a lot in the future that’s gonna remind you of the ghost of relationships past …

– Brian Molko –


Ph : Jean-Baptiste Mondino

I am alone

I hoped to free myself from that angry sea

I disowned

The hopes of ever having something more concrete

It was all too encouraging

Wouldn’t take too long for another storm

to hit me

to push me away

I’d been surrounded by my demons

but I’ve tamed them and I’ve broken the bar

Nothing but ghosts born in the shallows

of who you are

It’s a far away place

you can’t touch me here

It’s my new to embrace

The overcoming of my fear for you


Xinobi – far away place

Ph : Laura Makabresku

There is only the one like me, the companion man or woman, who can wake me from my torpor, set off the poetry, hurl me against the limits …

No other. Neither sky nor privileged earth,

no things which set you to trembling.

Torch, I only waltz with that one.

– René Char –

ph : Monika Cichoszewska

Poetry has no echo so loud and long as in the heart of youth in which love is just springing into life. It is like the presentiment of all the passions. Later it is their souvenir and their dirge. It brings tears in both extremes of life: to the young, tears of hope; to the old, tears of regret.

– Alphonse de Lamartine –