I miss prosthesis and mended souls

Trample over beauty while singing their thoughts

I match them with my euphoria

When they said “Je suis plus folle que toi”

But I’m actually good

Can’t help it if we’re tilted …


Ph : Eric Kellerman

Night air has the strangest flavor
Space to breathe it, time to savor …

I’ve acquired a kind of madness
Daylight fills my heart with sadness
And only silent skies can sooth me
Feel that night air flowing through me …

Close my eyes to make the night fall
Comfort of the world revolving
I can hear the earth in orbit
In the night air

I’ve acquired a taste for silence
Darkness fills my heart with comfort
And each thought like a thief is driven
To steal the night air from the heavens …

Jamie Woon – Night air
Ph : Eric Kellerman

Nothing has changed.
The body is susceptible to pain …
It has thin skin and blood right underneath …

Nothing has changed.
The body shudders as it is shuddered …

Real, imaginary, temporary, and none,
But the howl with which the body responds to them,
Was, and is, and ever will be …
The body writhes, jerks, and tries to pull away
Its legs give out, it falls, the knees fly up,
It turns blue, swells, salivates, and bleeds.

Nothing has changed …
Amid landscapes traipses the soul,
Disappears, comes back, draws nearer, moves away,
Alien to itself, elusive
At times certain, at others uncertain of its own existence,
While the body is and is and is
And has no place of its own.

– Wisława Szymborska –

Haux – Bomegrown
Ph : Eric Kellerman

There isn’t any questioning the fact that some people enter your life, at the exact point of need, want or desire – it’s sometimes a coincidence and most times fate, but whatever it is, I am certain it came to make me smile.
– Nikki Rowe –
Ph : Eric Kellerman