They are waiting to take us into

the severed garden

Do you know how pale and wanton thrillful

comes death on a strange hour

unannounced, unplanned for

like a scaring over-friendly guest

you’ve brought to bed

Death makes angels of us all

and gives us wings …

The Doors – Severed Garden

Ph : Josephine Cardin

How much can we ever know about the love and pain in another heart? How much can we hope to understand those who have suffered deeper anguish, greater deprivation, and more crushing disappointments than we ourselves have known?

– Orhan Pamuk – Snow

Ph : Josephine Cardin

. . some moment happens in your life that you say yes right up to the roots of your hair, that makes it worth having been born just to have happened.

… if you throw your arms around such a moment and hug it like crazy, it may save your soul.

– Frederick Buechner –

Ph : Josephine Cardin

There is a fragrance in the air, a certain passage of a song, an old photograph falling out from the pages of a book, the sound of somebody’s voice in the hall that makes your heart leap and fills your eyes with tears.

Who can say when or how it will be that something easters up out of the dimness to remind us of a time before we were born and after we will die?

– Frederick Buechner – Telling the Truth

Ph : Josephine Cardin