the human body is two hundred and six bones

an extreme being

a god elemental

of thirty trillion cells each cell

one hundred trillion atoms

consuming light

in a wicked nest of fire


a thousand bees rise with the sun

and you with it

trees whisper

in a cloud of oaks and roots

all this will happen

in a flash

before a word spoken

and under our skin

between day and nite

between breast and belly

our atoms will touch

like burning white snowflakes

in the dark silence

in the radiation

of another country

( Excerpt ) Poem : Adam A. DeFranco

© 2016, Adam D.>

Ph : Ralph Gibson

Women have rooms inside of us

men cannot fathom.

It’s where we store the depths

of the hurt we’ve been dealt.

Where we store the deep love

we never want to lose.

– Rachel Thompson – Broken Pieces

Ph : Ralph Gibson