Do broken pianos play broken songs?

Do they have busted melodies for busted hearts?

Is there a song living inside it that’s waiting to get out?

Her keys are shattered and her notes long since silent but I can still hear her song.

Just listen, just listen.

– Tyler Knott Gregson –

What if it’s the there and not the here

that I long for?

The wander and not the wait,

the magic in the lost feet

stumbling down the faraway street

and the way the moon never hangs quite the same.

– Tyler Knott Gregson –

I promise you

I will try harder

to be better.

I have battled with things

inside me

for longer than you know;

I do not know

what they are

or why they are there …

– Tyler Knott Gregson –

Ph : Tetsuro Higashi