Time is like a dream

And now for a time you are mine

Let’s hold fast to the dream

that tastes and sparkles like wine

Who knows if it’s real

or just something we’re both dreaming of

What seems like an interlude now

Could be the beginning of love

Loving you is a world that’s strange

So much more than my heart can hold

Loving you makes the whole world change

Loving you I could not grow old

No, nobody knows when love will end

So till then, sweet friend …


Siouxsie & Morrissey – Interlude

Ph : Natalia Drepina

And she called him a stranger. Whose name still echoed in her mind like a war cry. Who had seen each bit of her naked soul and knew how scarred her soul is. Whose reflection still stood, smiling at her every time she stood in front of the mirror.

– Akshay Vasu –

Sometimes you say things because they make you feel better. Sometimes you say that because it makes me feel better. “I love you” stays locked behind my teeth because there is no way saying it aloud will make you feel anything but worse. I don’t say it, because when you love someone, really love them, you don’t want anything you do to ever hurt them.

– Megan Hart – Tear You Apart


The Shattered Grey- Love Will Tear Us Apart

‘How did you know that you were meant to be a healer?’

Because I kept falling in love with broken people.

‘Then why are you alone?’

Because I’m broken too so I’m falling in love with myself to get a taste of my own medicine.

– Kwabena Foli –

The way you write ronin is 浪人 with the character for wave and the character for person, which is pretty much how I feel, like a little wave person, floating around on the stormy sea of life.

– Ruth Ozeki – A Tale for the Time Being

… and we were hemmed in for winter …

By now, we guessed we were not two ordinary river travelers …

… the river that was extraordinary: a marvel that protected us by the same mysterious action

that had given a common horse wings

and changed a woman into a laurel tree.

– Norman Lock –