You better run for you have a heart …

I have a cry, and I will not be contained, no …

you know it is only so much I can take …

I’m sorry but I do not care to wait

Oh, dare not walk through the light …

Madrugada- Vocal

When I set a glass prism on a windowsill and allow the sun to flood through it, a spectrum of colors dances on the floor. What we call “white” is a rainbow of colored rays packed into a small space. The prism sets them free. Love is the white light of emotion.

– Diane Ackerman –

I’ve got a restless heart, and a wandering way

I never know how far I’ll go or how long I’ll stay

They say I never know what dangers are down each road I roam

I say I’m better off believing the feelings in my soul

Many a love I’ve known, but not a one was to be

I never let them own the gypsy spirit in me

A Woman has got her own way

This woman, she’s got her own

I’ll know that it’s right when the ache goes away

Down in these woman bones

Halie Loren – A woman’s way

A poem written by Adam A. DeFranco

your body is a seed

of translation

a transposing fire ball proclamation

of evolutionary ascendants

concurrently of liberated circuitry

ascension is the new cue

of bearing the fire

the one chakra self source code

telepathy clairvoyance clairaudience

emerging full spectrum

prismatically solarized

dimensionally multi linguistic

a toroidal transducer of cosmic source data

you think atomized coat

of flesh and blood

your sacred body

luminous holographic plasma

an ascending modality

of non temporalized quantum affluxuations

the energetic fortuitous paradigm of neo tesla physics

you are the encapsulation preordained emulation

of superluminal core essence

wings of the 3rd eye

lusciosly spread

thriving divine entities

your body is a seed

of evolutionary liberated circuitry

translating into full saturation

a long train of blue dreams

source code with infinite layers

© 2016, AD